Top Performance is a big word. Only a few realize such feat, and those who do are forever embedded in our history as the greats. We often idolize them and think they are above their humanity when in reality, they’re not. Being the best is less about the result and more about the process. Top performance only arises when all the circumstances align to produce the best results. However, they only come to fruition by having a system that sets us up for success.
People often see success as something that happens overnight. It doesn’t. It never will. The reality of it all is that its a decades long process. Its an investment one does every day. What’s true about top performance is that it is indeed a rarity in our world. Not because of lack of talent — but due to lack of commitment.
Most of the individuals I regard as successful have a system behind them that leverages their skills and pulls them towards achieving outstanding feats. It is never the case that someone who is talented just strikes lucky results.
Talent without consistency is the worst tragedy of our times. Everyone believes talent makes or breaks you, but in fact not being consistent is what really kills most people’s dreams — they just don’t follow through with their commitment and don’t see the payoffs that are awaiting them.
This image is the most truthful visualization on what Top Performance is. Just when you’re about to hit the top of your game, but you haven’t seen the results, you call it quits. Unbeknownst to you, you had to go a little bit further to reap the benefits of your effort.
Truth is, we all have the tools to become greats within our fields. Truth is, we are all too lazy to do so, and we are constantly distracted with overstimulation coming from every single angle possible. Truth is, top performance is a scarce asset in this world. Not because there’s a lack of talent, but because we lack focus. The top performers in todays world mute the outside world, turn off their phones, focus on the long-term, commit to a vision of excellence.
Truth is, unless we realize what top performance really is, most of us will live a life of unrealized potential. Question is, are you ready to see top performance for what it is and do what’s necessary to achieve it?